Sunday 31 July 2016

FoMBL Work Party Report 30.07.16

Modest in number yet determined in will, the FOMBL work party brigade assembled at the Pavilion Café at 10:00, Saturday 30th of August for a good morning’s FOMBLing. Armed with little more than a couple of spades and a wheelbarrow, Alec and Yusef fought hard to win back a section of Leamington Walk from the ever encroaching turf, reclaiming it for public use. The displaced turf was rehomed in a more suitable location, making an unsightly mud patch near the Pavilion green once more.

Heather demonstrated some Olympic scrubbing skills and transformed two signs – a “Bruntsfield Links” street sign and a “Play Around Edinburgh” sign by a playpark – from barely visible to sparkling masterpieces. Bob had the task of weeding out the chessboard on Bruntsfield Links. After carefully analysing the positions of the weeds, he made some bold opening moves and put himself in an advantageous position just before elevenses. Unfortunately the weeds were taking a rather long time to decide their next move, and the match was adjourned, until Bob returned in the afternoon to crush his vegetative opponents.

Meanwhile, M.A. and Derek helped to ensure the Meadows stay fresh into the future by sowing grass seed on bare patches near the Pavilion Café. See if you can spot the patches in the coming weeks. Clare took up the hallowed role of litter picker – traversing the great plains of the Meadows, keen of eye and swift on the draw, she rained sweet justice down on litter of all sorts, making our park a cleaner, nicer place for everyone.

Andy spent the morning wrestling with a plastic self-assemble storage shed. Things were looking pretty grim for a while, and in the end it was close, but, ultimately, man triumphed over shed. This shed will hold all of FOMBL’s lighter tools, while Peter Davidson, South Edinburgh Park Ranger, has kindly donated us a wheelie bin for the heavier ones. Hurrah for storage! Peter also did some fine work on the Links, putting wood chippings down around some trees to combat some perseverant weeds.

Martin started out trying to locate a water supply to enable the grass seeders to water their plantings.  He found an outside tap on the rear (south) side of the pavilion.  It was obstructed by piled up junk and by overgrowing vegetation.  He restacked the junk (more work here for a future work party) and cut back the vegetation.  He then headed towards the east end of the Meadows, and came back past the tennis court hedge, litter picking as he went.

At around 11:30 we adjourned for a well-earned cup of tea/coffee and some scrumptious banana cake prepared by the lovely Eleanor of Edinburgh Student Housing Cooperative. All in all, a successful day caring for our local patch, and rewarding for all involved.

Yusef Samari

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